Indie Horror Wiki

Welcome to the Indie Horror Wiki

This is a wiki for all Indie Horror games, big or small, commercial or freeware.

The goal here is to try and document all the games out there. There's rather a lot, so all contributions are appreciated. Let's just try and keep it non-biased and organised and we'll have a whale of a time. Mods are also allowed, but only the more well-known ones or we'll be overrun.

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Can't think of a page to add? Well there are several games here that aren't on the wiki.


Top 85 Freeware Horror Indie Games

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Help the Wiki!

This Wiki can always use some help.

  • You could edit our existing pages for any errors! People make mistakes and it's your job to make our pages really clean!
  • You could create a new page! If you know something we don't, then don't be afraid to share it!
  • You could check our pages for any spam!
  • You could add pictures to our pages!

You could all do these things by pressing the "Contribute" button on the top right corner of the wiki. Of course, if you want to edit a page, you can visit the page and press the "Edit" button on the top left of the page. <createbox> width=24 break=no buttonlabel=Create new article </createbox>
